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Variety of services

Our mission: Your well-being

Nectar de Lotus is an oasis of well-being that offers various services. Always focusing on nurturing the physical, mental and emotional self. The most important thing for us is to provide you with the perfect tool to help you find your balance and well-being.

Reiki Treatment

Reiki Therapy

Reiki means Universal life energy. This energy connects you with your inner being, improving your capacity for self-healing, providing vitality and relaxation to your body.

With Reiki we can work on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, to eliminate energy blocks and bring harmony to your life.

From the first session you will notice its benefits.

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Feng shui

Literally translated wind and water, this ancient ancient art allows us to achieve harmony in our environment so that it supports us and helps us to be prosperous and happy. A Feng Shui study of our home or business gives us the guidelines to ensure that energy flows correctly in our spaces, attracting prosperity, health and happiness to our lives.

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Bach Flower Therapy

Bach flowers consist of a series of vibrational preparations that are made from flower and plant essences. These essences help to restore physical, mental and emotional balance. They have no contraindications or side effects.

In addition to the appropriate flower preparation for your situation, you will have the accompaniment of the therapist who will give you other guidelines to help you achieve your wellness goal.

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Evolutionary Tarot Consultation

The tarot is much more than guessing the past, present or future.

Above all, it is a method of psychological and therapeutic guidance. Through a consultation you can find the elements that help you in your personal and spiritual growth and to unblock situations in your life that at this moment you cannot understand.


Other Therapies

There are moments in life when we need accompaniment to help us solve the situations we live in. Aware of this, at Nectar de Lotus we care about putting the necessary therapies at your fingertips at all times for you. Either through a reading of Akashic Records, Family Constellations, Transpersonal Therapy, Crystal Therapy, etc.

We will try to guide and support you in whatever you need.

Consulta de Tarot Evolutivo

El tarot es mucho más que adivinar el pasado, presente o futuro, sobre todo es un método de orientación psicológico y terapéutico. 

A través de una consulta puedes encontrar los elementos que te ayuden en tu crecimiento personal y espiritual y a desbloquear situaciones en tu vida que en este momento no puedes entender.


Other Therapies

There are moments in life when we need accompaniment to help us solve the situations we live in. Aware of this, at Nectar de Lotus we care about putting the necessary therapies at your fingertips at all times for you. Either through a reading of Akashic Records, Family Constellations, Transpersonal Therapy, Crystal Therapy, etc.

We will try to guide and support you in whatever you need.

Nuestro hogar es nuestro refugio, el lugar donde recargamos nuestra energía.

Es importante que podamos sentirnos en ella seguros y totalmente relajados.  Por eso debemos cuidar su energía, para que nos nutra y nos apoye, permitiendo que nuestras baterías se recarguen en el tiempo de descanso que tenemos en ella.


¡¡¡Tenemos tarjeta de regalo!!!  pincha aquí para regalar bienestar a tus seres queridos :  

The activities and services contained in this website in no case replace or substitute traditional medicine.

If you are undergoing treatment or suffer from a disease, you should consult the appropriate health professional.


Morning: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Afternoon: 17:00 to 20:00

Monday morning closed

Néctar de Lotus 

Calle Palomares 1, local 2.

28911 Leganés Madrid.

Telephone: 916 93 53 23

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