Flower Therapy
"All true knowledge comes only from within us,
in silent communication with our own soul "
Edward Bach

Benefíciate de tu Terapia Floral presencial o a Distancia
Durante la terapia floral existe un espacio de escucha y acompañamiento, que te permite entender la situación que vives o quieres cambiar en tu vida, dándote herramientas para ayudarte a superarlo, apoyando ese proceso en las esencias florales.
Será un espacio que te ayude a sanar, comprender y mejorar tu vida.

What is flower therapy?
Flower therapy is a system developed by Dr. Edward Bach, which consists of 38 flower preparations that help restore balance on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
It is a vibrational energy therapy that treats the person and not the symptoms, so it helps the general recovery in a deeper way by focusing your attention on the cause and not on the way in which this imbalance manifests itself.
It is a natural therapy without side effects that can be used in adults, children, animals and plants. At no time does it interfere with any medical treatment the person is taking.
In Nectar de Lotus, flower therapy is always accompanied by other techniques that support the work of flower essences. The attitude and will of the person are a fundamental factor in this type of therapy, so they become an active participant in the process and the solution of their problem.
You don't have to be sick to benefit from the wonderful vibrancy of flower essences. They are a great company on a day-to-day basis and in any process of personal and spiritual growth.
Edward Bach (1886-1936) was a Welsh physician who dedicated his life to finding a way to help heal people in a simple way. In his search, in addition to his medical studies, in which he stood out as a recognized professional in the city of London, he carried out studies and important advances in the field of bacteriology and homeopathy. Finally he developed this system of 38 flowers that every day is used by thousands of people in the world.

What does the treatment consist of?
The flower therapist conducts an interview where the person explains how he feels, his concerns and the issues for which he requires the help of flower therapy. In this relaxed and open communication, the therapist and the client are sought for the best way to approach the issues in question. In the end, the therapist determines the appropriate essences for each particular case and will give you the corresponding preparation that will help you on your way to finding balance and a better knowledge of yourself.
When necessary, the remote consultation service is also offered, via video call, and the flower preparation is sent by mail. You can request your appointment or remote consultation by clicking here.

Conoce las esencias del Doctor Bach: